Q: Do I need prior medical training to take this course?
A: No.  There are no prerequisites

Q: What should I wear?
A: Casual, comfortable clothes that you won't mind getting dirty or damaged

Q: I can't make every class is that a problem
A: There is a lot of material for a non-medical person to absorb in a fairly short time.  Practical experience is a must to complete the final exam and missing classes reducing the opportunity for this practice.  Missing more than two or three classes will start to impact your success probability.

Q: It's a long class, at night, will there be food?
A: There is no provided food or drink, but you are welcome to bring what you need to survive the evening.  There is a fridge, microwave and sink at the facility.

Q: What equipment should I bring to the class?
A: This is covered in the preparing for class pages of this site.

Q: I'm a medical professional can I just test out?
A: This is not a challenge class.  There are provisions for that process, but not here.  If you are a clinical medical professional you will have a difficult time passing the final without instruction.

Q: Do I need to buy medical supplies and equipment for the class?
A: All medical supplies will be provided as a part of the class and your class fee.

Q: Seriously?  Do I have to iron my cravats?
A: Ummmm, no.